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   Re: Restricted Namespaces for XML

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  • From: "Don Park" <donpark@quake.net>
  • To: <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
  • Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 00:16:29 -0800

If I read James Clark's message correctly, I believe he is in favor of
chopping out some features out of the "Namespaces for XML" as well as some
sections so I believe we might be on a good track.

Another crazy idea I had was to remove the use of URI while keeping the
basic style.  The idea is to just use prefixes as the qualifier.  I don't
think the need for universally unique names is paramount.  Default namespace
can be defined by stating what the default prefix is.  For example,

<html xmlns="html" xmlns:html="html" xmlns:ck="ck">
        <ck:cookie>some cookie info</ck:cookie>

All the namespace declarations must be at the root element and prefixes are
global to the document (well, within the root element).  The result is
something that conforms to the "Namespaces for XML" yet easy to understand
and use although some flexibilities are lost.

>that is a shame.

Lets try to make some drinkable wine out of sour grapes.  I am the sort of
guy whose adrenaline kicks in when everything seems to go wrong.  It doesn't
matter if the result sucks as long as you do your best and not get
sidetracked by useless negative emotions.


Don Park

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