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   Re: Parser compliance

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  • From: Len Bullard <cbullard@hiwaay.net>
  • To: Don Park <donpark@docuverse.com>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 20:21:41 -0600

Don Park wrote:
> Aye.  When prospective clients ask me to write their DTD, I tell them
> that the design of XML-based systems require looking at the big picture
> of component integration and data flow.  DTD is just 'what' but there
> are 'how', 'where', 'when', etc. to consider.  Often times, DTD is just
> used for documentation.

Perhaps learning how to use a DTD, where to use a DTD, and when to use 
a DTD, and let me add, when to modify it, are just as important as 
what a DTD is.  Your clients may have something besides money; 
common sense.


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