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   Re: A certain difficulty

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  • From: "Tim Berners-Lee" <timbl@w3.org>
  • To: "Greg FitzPatrick" <gf@medianet.org>, <xml-dev@xml.org>, <www-rdf-interest@w3.org>
  • Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 13:26:26 -0500

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg FitzPatrick <gf@medianet.org>
>I have downloaded [Protoge-2000], but not yet gotten the chance to try it
out.  If it in
>anyway helps us in our goal of porting SKiCal/iCal from its current mime
>type existence to XML-RDF then we will surely send you flowers.

I downloaded it (the earlier release) too and played with making a calendar
It took me some time to get into it.

When looking at the first results of my tinkering the first thing I noticed
that any subclass of protogé:Thing was declared to be such. So my file
full of my local concepts has a pointer back to stanford as well as pointers
back to the RDFS concepts.

 <rdf:Description rdf:ID="#Calendar">

(From http://www.w3.org/2000/calendar/clendar.rdfs which is not a serious
effort in any way - just a play with protege and full of junk)

In fact the fact that from Protogé's point of view  something is a subclass
of Thing
is of course information-free.  It should therefore be omitted from the

The sooner we get an RDF property  desperateNeeds:equivalent then of course
we can
start to use the relationship between protege:thing and rdf:resource

>Should Protégé be seen as an instrument of renormalization shedding light
>the processes of serializing conceptuality or as the FrontPage of RDF?

That all depends on whether it gravitates to a community consensus and a
way of working - with community feedback and source code - or whether it is
an output-only project! ;-)  So far, things are looking good as seen from a
gret distance.

tim wearing no hat

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