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   RE: SAX2: relative ordering of startDocument() & startDTD() event s?

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  • From: Walter Underwood <wunder@infoseek.com>
  • To: XML-DEV <xml-dev@xml.org>
  • Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 13:12:42 -0800

At 05:30 PM 2/24/00 +0000, Miles Sabin wrote:

>I think this would be a serious political mistake. Several
>parsers are out there already with support for the SAX2 alpha
>LexicalHandler. It'd be one thing to change the interface or
>modify it's functionality in various ways ... but it'd be
>quite another to retract it altogether: that'd be just asking 
>for SAX to be forked.

In my book, an alpha release asks "is the design right?" and
a beta release asks "is the implementation right?". So design
changes after alpha are proper and should be expected. Anyone
implementing to an alpha spec must be prepared to throw away
their work and start over.

Walter R. Underwood
Senior Staff Engineer
Infoseek Software
GO Network, part of The Walt Disney Company
http://software.infoseek.com/cce/ (my product)

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