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   RE: XUL and Java?

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  • From: "Paulo Gaspar" <Paulo.Gaspar@krankikom.de>
  • To: "Xml-Dev" <xml-dev@xml.org>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 16:31:08 +0200

I had the same nasty "thrown together over night" feelling about 
the XUL and some other Mozzila stuff - some great ideas but not
enough pollishing.

However, I thing the general idea is very good.

The current XForms evolution is interesting too. The current data
model does not live up to my expectations, but I hope they evolve
to match the requirements high standards.

My favorite thing in the XForms requests: 

 - separation between data and presentatation issues.

My complains about the Data Model draft:
 - Not enough mention of internationalization, when issues that 
   involve it - as multiple choice lists and data validation - 
   are mentioned;
 - No mention of "user-metadata" when talking about validation.
   Data definitions and error handling imply telling the user
   WHAT is wrong in a way he can understand. I found no clear 
   mention of that. (Did I miss a hook to be handled somewhere 
 - Too much dependency on the existence of a DOM;
 - Still a bit promiscous with presentation issues.

DOMs and their access by scripting languages are complex. I think
that XSLT could be used as a validation mechanism on top of the 
schemas, and it could be quite powerful. (XForms are to post data
in XML format.) 

XSLT is a quite powerfull tool, but many programmers don' seem to 
recognize it (also in Mozzila). It is a different way of thinking,
but worth giving a try for many data processing/formating tasks.
Much nicer and cleanner than coding a bunch of iterations.

Even without this being a standard, I would have some kind of 
XForms NOW! Even for our internal tools, that could help a lot.

Have fun,


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-xml-dev@xml.org [mailto:owner-xml-dev@xml.org]On Behalf Of
Don Park
Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2000 1:00 AM
To: xml-dev@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: XUL and Java?

Interestingly enuf, I wrote a XUL engine in Java when XUL docs
first came out (> 1 year ago?).  It worked well but I had to
stop working on it after hacking the CSS parser for it.  It
requires a lot of work but I have confirmed that it is very
effective for building GUI quickly.  Very useful.  XUL DTD is
irritating though as if it was thrown together over night.


Don Park    -   mailto:donpark@docuverse.com
Docuverse   -   http://www.docuverse.com

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