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   Re: MSXML on Win 2000 and transformNode

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  • From: "Paulo Gaspar" <Paulo.Gaspar@krankikom.de>
  • To: "Xml-Dev" <xml-dev@xml.org>
  • Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 16:59:17 +0200

Unfortunately, WININET is the only HTTP component that M$ is giving for
free. Not that they don't have the technology - they have it in the
"Site Server SDK" - but they are not giving it away.

I had also come across the same issue, and I also followed the suggestion
they make in that "kb" article (using their VB/WINSOCK component). My
understanding is that the WINSOCK component is a piece of crap that they
didn't even properly document.

>From M$ documentation:
"WinSock Control — Allows you to connect to a remote computer and
exchange data using either the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) or the
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)."

I also found no documentation about direct HTTP support. Meaning:
 - It is not a straight forward solution to use the WINSOCK control;
 - Maybe it is far from being the generic easyest way (I have better
   alternatives with Delphi);
 - And they would have done a better service just omitting the
   WINSOCK, since it sounds like a fake clue. (A component is usually not
   much better than the documentation about it. Some have at least the
   source code to act as documentation, but with this one I just felt

Anyway, good luck. You are probably going to need it.

Have fun,


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-xml-dev@xml.org [mailto:owner-xml-dev@xml.org]On Behalf Of
Adam Vandenberg
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2000 3:29 AM
To: Steven Livingstone, ITS, SENM; xml-dev@xml.org
Cc: aaron@skonnard.com; Martin Gudgin
Subject: Re: MSXML on Win 2000 and transformNode

Unless I'm misunderstanding what you are trying to do...

You aren't going to want to do any HTTP URLs using XML on the server-side:

The HTTP is built on top of WININET which does run under a service.

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