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   Re: PC Week on "Why XML is Failing" ?????

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  • From: "KenNorth" <KenNorth@email.msn.com>
  • To: "Michael Champion" <Mike.Champion@softwareag-usa.com>, <xml-dev@xml.org>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 16:19:51 -0700


> The automakers chose to bypass BizTalk and OASIS to develop proprietary
(but published) schemata.

No surprise here. This has been something that's been the topic of panel
discussions at several conferences (DISA, XML One), and I've heard it often
in private discussions. Big software vendors are cognizant of what their
customers want and what they are planning. I've heard time and again that
large corporations were forging ahead, working with trading partners in
their own industry, instead of waiting for initiatives to produce standard
schemas (über schemas).

Recently, for example, there was a meeting in Washington, D.C. to organize
government contractors and agencies to cooperate on developing schemas and
standards for e-commerce. Several of the big contractors declined the
invitation to attend. Shortly after they announced an industry-specific

> to distinguish the undeniable success of XML from the possible failings of
ebXML or
> BizTalk

If you ignore the headline, it's clear John Taschek is writing about XML as
a vehicle for e-commerce, not XML as a markup technology. The fact that some
big players are pursuing industry-specific solutions does not mean ebXML and
BizTalk will fold their tents. For one thing, there are a lot of small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who want to participate in e-commerce.

> For that matter, I'm not at all sure the author understands what OASIS or
Microsoft are trying to accomplish

Here's an example of the problem with discussion groups. We don't know
whether you've done any research to substantiate your assertions about the
author. When he publishes something, it goes through a fact-checking process
because his publication is aware of libel laws.

Did you, for example, listen to this panel discussion? The author discussed
business-to-business integration and a shoot-out his lab conducted with the
U. of Minnesota and Power Team (division of SPX)?


================== Ken North =============================
See you at AD2000 London (www.applicationdevelopment.com)
XML DevCon 2000 New York City (www.xmldevcon2000.com)

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