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   Re: Now that the list is working well ...what's next?

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  • From: David Megginson <david@megginson.com>
  • To: <xml-dev@xml.org>
  • Date: 15 May 2000 09:48:34 -0400

"Michael Champion" <Mike.Champion@softwareag-usa.com> writes:

> - An associated website where a FAQ could be kept, resources achived
> - Some sort of CVS-like system for jointly developed source code

Let's not try to do this ourselves -- places like SourceForge will
give us the CVS and Web space for free and have fairly good

On the other hand, I would be very disappointed to see XML-Dev become
like JavaLobby.  It's not that I disapprove of advocacy (or of Java,
which is my favorite programming language), but I don't think that it
mixes well with hard-core development, and that's what XML-Dev is

By all means, start up an xml-lobby or xml-advocacy or xml-marketing
mailing list, Web site, etc., but please don't subscribe me to it.

All the best,


David Megginson                 david@megginson.com

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