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   RE: XML across varied Servers.

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  • From: Xiao Hu <mhu_97@yahoo.com>
  • To: ruff@swand.lake.de, RNarayanan@panasonicfa.com, xml-dev@xml.org
  • Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2000 16:25:04 -0700 (PDT)

Well, in the last mail - I am saying MS SOAP Toolkit
are based on COM -
cause it uses ROPE ( a COM Proxy object ), and as I
talked with some guys
from develop-mentor - e.g., Richard, Jeff .... and
actually I am using SOAP
Toolkit from MS, they're very good - and I DO BELIEVE 
MIND OF SOME MS GUYS instead of IBM, IBM is very slow
at the beginning of
pushing SOAP to be standard, and our product are based
on SOAP standards
too, AGAIN I AM SAYING MS SOAP Toolkit is based on
COM, YES they are,
besides ROPE - even the wizard will recognize COM
object only for now, and
they'll support more later on - for COM to run over
HTTP, you have to use
some kind of PROXY objects, like ROPE - surely u can
use CORBA or something
else, as soon as it can covert XML based messages to
Object Calls,and
ViceVsa, it'll be good  - WE JUST CAN NOT FORGOT
standards come out eventually, cheers.


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