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   CFP XML and Distributed Applications

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  • From: "Fabio Arciniegas A." <faa@speakeasy.org>
  • To: XML-Dev List <xml-dev@xml.org>
  • Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 09:51:05 -0500

Dear Colleagues,

The following is the CFP for the XML and Distributed Applications session on
the PDPTA 2001 conference. It is posted on several lists, so I apologize if
you receive it more than once.

        Call For Papers

    XML and Distributed Applications Session PDPTA 2001

       2001 International Conference on Parallel and
     Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications

       June 25 - 28, 2001
  Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA



The XML and Distributed Applications Session of PDPTA 2001
is a high-end opportunity for researchers and developers in
the field to publish and discuss their work, as well as for
the public to get aware of the latest advances in this
exciting area.

The session is interested on research papers on topics
regarding non-trivial uses of XML in Distributed Applications,
new marshalling and remote application communication protocols
based on XML, and comparison/collaborations with previous mechanisms
such as CORBA and RMI


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to,
the following:

- XML RPC/SOAP advances, (non-ordinary) applications,
  and alternative mechanisms
- RMI and XML
- Object Marshalling with XML
- XML-oriented/powered DA Middleware
- Formal specification of DA with XML
- XML/DA Development Methodology
- Automated Testing on XML/DA


February 26    (Monday):   Draft Papers Submission deadline
March 28, 2001 (Wednesday): Notification of acceptance
April 28, 2001 (Tuesday):  Camera-Ready papers (& Prereg.)
June 25 - 28, 2001:        PDPTA'2001 Conference


Draft papers (around 5000 words) can be submitted on Docbook
XML or any other popular format (ps,pdf,word,html,text,
etc.) via email to the session chair (Fabio Arciniegas
A. <faa@speakeasy.org>).

Final papers must be formatted in Docbook XML 4.1.2 (more
instructions and stylesheets will be provided along
with acceptance notification)


All papers will be evaluated by two field experts; full
feedback will be provided to all draft submission in
the form of plain text (for non-xml submissions) or
an XML document with XLink-based annotations, for Docbook


The conference proceedings will be published by CSREA
Press in hardcopy.  It will be a multivolume set.
The proceedings will be available at the conference.
Some accepted papers will also be considered for journal
publication (soon after the conference). In addition
to the hardcopy, it is also planned to publish the
papers on a CD.


Fabio Arciniegas A.
7220 Winsconsin Ave (300)
Bethesda, MD. 20814

Email: faa@thefaactory.com, faa@speakeasy.org

All the best,

Fabio Arciniegas A.
Software Engineer                     faa@thefaactory.com
Software, Articles, etc.       http://www.thefaactory.com

Upcoming Book:      XML Developer's guide - McGraw-Hill

The First Duty of the revolutionary is to get away with it.
-- Abbie Hoffman


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