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   RE: What should a namespace URI point to?

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  • From: Jonathan Borden <jborden@mediaone.net>
  • To: xml-dev@lists.xml.org, Tim Bray <tbray@textuality.com>
  • Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 18:10:11 -0500

Dan Brickley suggested something like this:

		<link type="RDFSchema" href="thisnamespaceuri.rdfs" />
		<link type="XMLSchema" href="thisnamespaceuri.xsd" />

and you've suggested something like this:

<html xmlns="...xhtml...">
		<link xlink:arcrole="...RFDS URI" xlink:href="thisnamespaceuri.rdfs"/>
		<link xlink:arcrole="..XMLSchema URI.." xlink:href="thisnamespaceuri.xsd"

Both of these work for me. Offhand, 'xlink:arcrole' is perhaps a bit more
robust that 'type' and XLink is a more 'modern' way of doing things. On the
other hand, HTML is already specified and widely implemented. Perhaps we can
discuss the pros and cons of these proposals. This cuts right to the heart
of the issue regarding links in XHTML, and the problem of XLink being
incompatable. sigh.

Regarding HTML and its multiple DTDs/Schemata, what would the xlink:arcrole
URI be for each of the three forms (strict,trans,frames) given either DTD or
XSD? (i.e. we need a total of 6 URIs).

Are there use cases not covered by either of these mechanisms?

Jonathan Borden
The Open Healthcare Group

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tim Bray [mailto:tbray@textuality.com]
> Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2000 4:51 PM
> To: 'xml-dev@lists.xml.org'
> Subject: What should a namespace URI point to?
> I think that if you got a group of qualified people, mostly
> computer programmers, together, you could cook, in a few
> weeks, cook up a nice little markup vocabulary containing:
> 1. a few basic chunks of XHTML
> 2. the simple XLink element (I don't think you need extended, and
>    by using simple you could graft the whole thing onto an XHTML
>    <div> or some such).
> 3. a namespace in which are defined a bunch of reserved
>    role attribute values
> These things would look like web pages and would display
> nicely in a browser.  The idea is that the xlinks would
> point to related resources of various types.  The role
> namespace would contain precooked values for various
> kinds of related resources (e.g. css stylesheet, xsd
> schema, dtd) whose use is widespread enough to achieve
> some consensus.  Obviously, you could have links to
> more than one dtd or xsd or whatever.
> I think this would be the ideal kind of thing to retrieve
> when you dereference a namespace URI.  Readable by humans
> and also machine-processable and fully extensible.
> If I were feeling particularly grandiose, I'd also describe
> such a thing as a key building block for the Semantic Web.
> But it would have to be done low, fast, and under the radar...
>  -Tim


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