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Hello everybody.

I'm looking for resources that could help me to use SOAP. My main problem is
to exchange objects between distributed components (I have to call methods
whose parameters are objects). I'm working using C++ under Unix and NT. Is
there anybody that can help me or is there any tool that can help me ?
Where could I find information about SOAP ?

Thanks in advance.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Borden [mailto:jborden@mediaone.net]
Sent: luned́ 22 gennaio 2001 6.10
To: xml-dev@lists.xml.org
Subject: RDDL spec 20010122

I've posted a new version of RDDL to


Murata Makoto has kindly supplied me with a RELAX namespace grammar which is
a referenced resource in RDDL.

arcrole.htm has been renamed to purposes.html
roles.htm -> natures.html

We now have a DTD (which validates ! -- the last error I found was in the
xhtml (basic) entities which tries to redefine lt and gt... i think this is
a 'bug' in XHTML Basic 1.0) we have RELAX and TREX and RDF schemata but
still waiting for an XML Schema for XHTML Basic 1.0 to which the RDDL
resource element can be added.

I've also added XSLT's to convert RDDL to RSS, RDF and an HTML table of

Jonathan Borden
The Open Healthcare Group