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[ANN] Free UDDI classes on April 10 (XML DevCon 2001, New York City)

Persons wishing to attend free UDDI Day classes can pre-register for a
Special Events Pass to XML DevCon Spring 2001. Browse to the conference web
site and click on the Registration tab:

           UDDI Day at XML DevCon 2001 (New York City, April 10)

UDDI Day at XML DevCon Spring 2001 will educate developers about Universal
Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI).  UDDI is a business registry
project by IBM, Microsoft, Ariba, and their partners. The highlight of the
program is a UDDI programming tutorial -- "what is it and how you talk with

2:00-5:00 PM     Introduction to UDDI and Available Development Tools

Presented by Mark Colan (IBM), Andrew Hately (IBM), Dan Rogers (Microsoft),
David Turner (Microsoft)

This tutorial provides an overview of the Universal Description, Discovery,
and Integration (UDDI) project, and will demonstrate the ability for
programmers to interact with the UDDI registry using available development
tools from Microsoft and IBM.

The Universal Description Discovery and Integration project is an open
industry effort focused on developing a standard approach to describing and
locating Web Services over the internet. As the entire industry migrates
toward Web Services, UDDI represents a missing link in enabling businesses
and services to easily share information across the Web. Over 160 leading
organizations are actively participating in the effect.

In order to help develop solutions that take advantage of the UDDI registry,
we have developed a set of utilities and sample code to make it easier for
developers to develop UDDI solutions. The UDDI SDKs are a great resource to
help customers and partners start their first projects. In the second half
of this session, we will provide an overview of both IBM and Microsoft
development tools for UDDI integration.

========== Ken North ======================
See you at XML DevCon 2001
London (February 21-23)  New York (April 8-11)