The definition of restriction in XML Schema
>A type definition whose declarations or facets are in a
>one-to-one relation with those of another specified type >definition, with each in turn restricting the possibilities >of the one it corresponds to, is said to be a restriction. Would this definition make syntactic coincidence unduely
significant? Let me illustrate with an example:
Let me define a base type 'fields' as:
<complexType name='fields'>
<sequence> <element name='field' maxOccurs='Unbound'/> </sequence> </complexType> would the following derived type have violated the
of restriction? <complexType name='myfields'>
<complexContent> <restriction base='fields'> <sequence> <element name='field' tag='15A'/> <element name='field' tag='20'/ </sequence> </restriction> </<complexContent> </complexType> However, if we define base type fields to be an
<complexType name='fields'>
<sequence> <element name='field' maxOccurs='Unbound'/> <element name='field' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='Unbound'/> </sequence> </complexType> Then the restriction is OK.
Please tell me that I misread the definition.
Jay Zhang
IntermicsTech, Inc. |