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RE: Why 90 percent of XML standards will fail

At 03:05 28/02/2001, Bullard, Claude L (Len) wrote:

>Ok.  Then UDDI is a standard and Ed was
>wretching for his own ed-ification.  In
>fact, the Microsoft SDK is a standard too.
>This email specifies it as such and
>since there are no qualifications one
>should meet to be an authority to specifying
>that, you are now expected to comply
>with this email and implement your
>next project in compliance with the
>standard SDK.

I think the point was being made that
the W3C acts as if they are creating
standards. The industry also implements
them as if they are standards. Users
view them as standards.

But when the difficult questions arise,
the W3C invariably says "hey don't blame
us, we're not creating standards!".

You can't have your cake and eat it:

Either you are creating standards, and
must therefore be expected to be held
against the highest standards, or you're

"All the power, but none of the responsibility"


James Robertson
Step Two Designs Pty Ltd
SGML, XML & HTML Consultancy
Illumination: an out-of-the-box Intranet solution
