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RE: MSXML: New document built has only one line.

Hi Christine,

This might help you.  It's code from some of our samples that pretty prints
the DOM content.  If the document read in has formatting, it is preserved in
the DOM, but as you point out, unless you add in specific text nodes, you
don't get pretty print.  Pass in to this function your DOMDocument and a
string containing a tab (which is the character to use for indent).

Best regards,

Dan Rogers
Microsoft Corporation

Public Sub PrettyFormatXMLDoc(ByRef objDom As IXMLDOMNode, ByVal strIndent
As String)
    ' In order traversal, visit the root then the children
    Dim objChild As IXMLDOMNode
    Dim objNew As IXMLDOMNode
    Static indentOrigLen as integer

    If indentOrigLen = 0 then indentOrigLen = len(strIndent)
    If objDom.childNodes.length > 0 Then
        For Each objChild In objDom.childNodes
           PrettyFormatXMLDoc objChild, strIndent & left$(strIndent,
            If objDom.nodeType = NODE_ELEMENT Then
                Set objNew = objDom.ownerDocument.createNode(NODE_TEXT,
vbNullString, vbNullString)
                objNew.nodeValue = vbCrLf & strIndent
                Set objNew = objDom.insertBefore(objNew, objChild)
                Set objNew = Nothing
            End If
        If objDom.nodeType = NODE_ELEMENT Then
            Set objNew = objDom.ownerDocument.createNode(NODE_TEXT,
vbNullString, vbNullString)
            objNew.nodeValue = vbCrLf & Left(strIndent, Len(strIndent) - 1)
            Set objNew = objDom.appendChild(objNew)
            Set objNew = Nothing
        End If
    End If
End Sub