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Re: "Binary XML" proposals

On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, Olivier Dubuisson wrote:

> Thanks so much! The ASN.1 group is currently meeting in Los Angeles to
> progress this work.
> One advantage in using a standardized solution vs. an ad-hoc one is that it 
> improves interoperability.
> Information can be found at: http://asn1.elibel.tm.fr/xml/
> If there are people interested in these mappings, it would be my pleasure
> to receive their comments (to me directly -- please indicate which mapping
> you're interested in: ASN.1 -> XML or XML -> ASN.1) and associate them to our 
> work to make sure that we end up with what people are looking for. 

Yes, I'm personally quite keen to see if I can fold my work into this, for
the simple reason that the most important outcome of all this is to define
a *standardised* representation, and something with the backing of a large
body will help.

The standard really ought to get at least recognised by the W3C, though -
I'd need to research the politics involved...


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