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> I am using XALAN to transform my XML file to another XML file using XSL. I
> have a small JAVA program which does this. Does anyone knows How to
> an XML file against the DTD using JAVA ? Is there any methods available in
> XALAN to implement this ? If yes, could you please send me a sample
> of how to it, please ?

I just poked through the Xalan apidocs a bit, and found that four classes
have an isValidating() method to indicate whether a parser validates or not
(for example, see the SaxParser class).

The apidocs documentation for the XMLInterface's getFeature method
demonstrates an attempt to turn validation on if isValidating() shows that
the parser you're using doesn't have it on.

The apidocs index shows that several classes and interfaces have a parse()
method, so if this is called and validation is on, you should be all set.

Bob DuCharme            www.snee.com/bob             <bob@
snee.com>      see http://www.snee.com/bob/xsltquickly for
info on upcoming "XSLT Quickly" from Manning Publications.