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Re: XML Schema question: A <xs:choice> equivalent for attributes?

Eddie Robertsson wrote:
> Unfortunately you can't do this with W3C XML Schema. As I see it you have two
> options:
> 1) Change to a different schema dialect (I think RELAX-NG support this
> functionality)
> 2) Express you co-constraint using an embedded schematron rule

Since yesterday, we need add to this list of options the elegant
workaround using abstract datatypes [1] proposed by Jeni.
[1] http://lists.xml.org/archives/xml-dev/200107/msg00038.html

Here, the xsi:type attribute in the instance document is giving to the
W3C XML Schema validator enough information to determine which case we
are handling.


> /Eddie
See you at XTech in San Diego.
Eric van der Vlist       http://xmlfr.org            http://dyomedea.com
http://xsltunit.org      http://4xt.org           http://examplotron.org