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Thankfully SmartTags is dead (iced?), another related and still-active issue
is the client-side XSLT stylesheet which can transform and intermix
copyrighted materials from multiple sources.

There are just too many facets to these issues for us to draw any
conclusions without costly lawsuits, but its facinating to take a peek into
the jungle ahead.  So far, the XML community has plowed ahead with only
technological perspective, but I think the Age of Innocense is about to end.


Don Park

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ronald Bourret [mailto:rpbourret@rpbourret.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 10:32 AM
> To: Xml-Dev
> Subject: Re: OPES and XSLT
> On a somewhat related issue, how does SmartTags fit into this. It struck
> me that IE would be creating a derivative work by using them and
> therefore violating copyrights, but I also thought it might be
> considered that the user was simply marking up text for their own use --
> sort of like underling passages in a book. Any comments?
> -- Ron
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