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Re: [Q] Open-source Lisp XML Parser?

At 6:02 AM 8/30/01, Lawson, Rob wrote:
>I hope that someone may be able to help me.  I need to start using XML more
>extensively in my work integrating our product with other systems.  To this
>end I am looking for decent open source parsers for a variety of platforms,
>and would be happiest to find an open source one written in Lisp (although
>I'm it's a little utopian of me to expect to find exactly that!).  If anyone
>has any tips or pointers as to where I may found any information to help, I
>would be most grateful.

A group of us that have written various XML parsers in LISP (and
individuals with related expertise) are currently working together on what
should result in a number of open source platform-independent XML parsers
and modules for LISP. You should expect to see some output of our
activities shortly.

-- Terje <terje@in-progress.com> | Media Design in*Progress
   Software for Mac Web Professionals at <http://www.in-progress.com>
   Take Advantage of Server Side XML and XSL with Interaction!

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Finally home June 11th at 6lb7oz!