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Re: [xml-dev] help w/ an intro XML talk

>At 01:14 AM 29/09/01 -0500, Imran Rashid wrote:
> >        I'm supposed to be giving a brief "intro to XML" talk to a 
> technical audience that doesn't know anything about XML.  I was hoping I 
> could look at some of the presentations the more experienced members of 
> this list have given.  I know there have been links posted previously, 
> but a quick search of the archive didn't turn up much.

[Tim Bray]

>What I find works well is to show four slides.  The first is
>a sample of HTML, with all the usual HTML problems, unclosed
>tags, the <IMG> element with no end-tag, unquoted attribute
>values, no enclosing tag pair for the whole doc.

I used to start my XML talks with the old nugget the office

Then one day I switched to <invoice>.

The latter has proved a much more effective way to grab
the audience's attention.

I still find the <memo> problem much more interesting.

