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RE: [xml-dev] XML for Video, Pizza Shops & TakeOut

The pizza shop owner knows pizza.  His 
ad agency knows room ambience.  His 
phone company knows XML.  Their programmers 
know COM.  Nicely encapsulated for our 

"It's a beautiful world we live in."

Rethinking:  we don't have to have 
human identity services.  We just need 
an easy to configure querying device.
How much data does it need?  Ok, what 
contexts are of value given some 
journey or time scope?  If all the 
contexts are cached on the machine, 
it only needs GPS.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Winer [mailto:dave@userland.com]

BTW, of course the pizza shop is going to use XML.

But will the pizza shop owner have any idea?


Here's a thought puzzle.

Does the pizza shop owner use COM?
