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RE: XML Wikipedia (was RE: [xml-dev] XML Database Decision Tree?)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Leigh Dodds [mailto:ldodds@ingenta.com]
> Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 12:29 PM
> To: Champion, Mike; xml-dev@lists.xml.org
> Subject: XML Wikipedia (was RE: [xml-dev] XML Database Decision Tree?)

> through the eclectic weblog.

That's right!  Leigh provides a great service with this site 
http://weblogs.userland.com/eclectic/ summarizing the more profound
peals of wisdom we drop here.  

I have one whiny complaint -- the server seems to be over-utilized; I
frequently get timeouts, unacceptable performance, etc. -- but I *do*
realize that ya gets what ya pays for.  

And one more substantitve suggestion -- Leigh has an "editorial voice"
(which I usually agree with), but doesn't take on the onerous and unpaid
job of really separating the wheat from the chaff in the XML world. Reading
eclectic, and Robin Cover's site, gives one a bit more than can be easily
digested.  I'd like to see something more along the lines of the "XML
Encyclopedia" containing short overviews and summaries of what is really
known and agreed upon, and what is contentious in spite of being a
Recommendation.  This is  too much for one person (unless that's their day
job), and it changes constantly (hence is not worth publishing on paper
anytime soon), so some sort of collaborative effort seems to make sense.  I
think this could work within Manila via articles, discussion groups, and
collaborative editing (if it comes to that, and if Leigh feels comfortable
with it) features. 
> While the latter is not a Wiki site, it has a discussion 
> forum (I'm pretty sure I activated it), so people can 
> post articles/summaries if they  choose. 

Well, I just signed up, so I guess you activated it.  Anyway, that sounds
like a way forward ... maybe we can start with a collaborative development
of the FAQ Leigh proposed the other day and see how the process and software