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Re: [xml-dev] Microsoft's deeply cynical appeal to"standards compliance"

At 12:01 AM 10/26/2001 +0200, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
>* Edd Dumbill wrote:
> >    (Incidentally, does anyone recall that IE6 has proper XHTML support,
> >    I remember the Microsoft chap at WWW10 saying directly XHTML support
> >    wouldn't make it into version 6).
>XHTML support in IE6 is absent. In fact, using XHTML on the World Wide
>Web today is close to impossible while claiming compliance to anything.

Contrary to popular myth, XHTML doesn't necessarily need "direct support" 
at all. Following the backward compatibility guidelines one can write fully 
valid XHTML documents that display in nearly any browser, especially the 
most recent ones without any trouble.

There's no impossible conformance requirements at all.

Ann (happily authoring XHTML for all her clients these days)
Ann Navarro, WebGeek Inc.
What's on my mind? http://www.snorf.net/blog/	
Hooya waling waling wi tiyil!