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Re: [xml-dev] So maybe ID isn't a problem after all.

> Like what? HTML and what others?

pdf: http://www.tinaja.com/linkpdf1.html
svg: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/linking.html#LinksIntoSVG
probably some others i don't know, but the principle is the same,
that the syntax after the # depends on the mime type of whatever is returned.

> I've ever seen ID attributes used in HTML is in the context of an 
> anchor.

Yes exactly that is the semantics of fragment ids in text/html, that's
the whole point.

If you request


and what you get sent back is an HTML 2.0 file (because you are using
Xmosaic 1.0) then #foo will be interpretted as an HTML fragment id and
mosaic will scroll to the point marked <a name="foo"/> 
If on the other hand you request


then you will still get the same HTML file back but you can't make sense
of the fragment id.


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