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   Re: [xml-dev] WebDAV (was Re: [xml-dev] Some comments on the 1.1 draft)

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On Thursday 20 December 2001 02:05 pm, Julian Reschke wrote:
> We are really getting off-topic here.

We are. 

> Yes. So what's the right way to address this? (a) have interoperability
> tests, (b) document the issues, (c) work on the resolution. That's what the
> Working Group does.

I agree. 

There are two things on this thread I wanted to say:

  1) That the WebDAV use of XML is ill-specified and opportunistic. 
  2) Clarity of specification is critical for interoperability. 

Your original email regarding custom properties caused my response, 
essentially saying (1). We've been debating WebDAV and (2) since then.

I think WebDAV will get better (and I may get involved in it again), but it 
doesn't need XML to change to do so.


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