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   [xmlstds] Release Announcement

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Dear All,

We are making our HTML Help compilation of XML standard specifications
available for public download.

Goto http://groups.yahoo.com/group/xmlstds. Please note that HTML Help is
available only on Windows platform.

The "XML Standards Library Compilation" is a HTML Help compilation of the
various XML standards that may currently be in working-draft or at the final
recommendation stage. The objective of the compilation is to help ease
access into these standard documents. Please note that the
compilation may not necessarily be comprehensive but may become
so with feedback and subsequent updates.

1. Firstly, its a compiled set of inter-related XML standards; intra and
inter document links are resolved to within the compilation as far as
2. There is full text search functionality that span these collections; this
is one big reason why we did this.
3. The documents are partitioned into smaller chunks so as to make them more
navigable and with greater granularity to make searches more effective.

Copyright. We have have written in for permission for the compilation, there
was no outright clearance but there was no objection either. However, we
have been very careful not to breach any licensing or copyright agreements.
Think of it as another pdf if you like except that it entails more work to
produce a HTML Help. See
if you have concerns.

Why the hack are we doing this ? Well, we found reading large disparate
documents frustrating and its begining to be quite daunting to correlate
stuffs; well, full text search was important to us. In short, we did it to
improve our productivity.

Henceforth, the library is freely distributable and is governed by the
copyright stated in their respective documents contained in the compilation.
We have been using it for a couple of months now and found it useful and is
our working base. We thought that others may be facing the same frustration
with this amazing proliferation of XML standards, thus this release.

Please refer to the readme file for more installation details.

We sincerely hope that you'll find the compilation useful. There is a
convenient uninstall provided if you don't :) However, if you do, there will
be monthly updates to keep the library current.

Yours sincerely,

PS : There could be a bandwidth limitation with eGroups, especially at
peak hours. If you wish to, you can also freely host the downloads
for your organisation to alleviate the download timeout problem.


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