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   RE: [xml-dev] namespace URI name conventions?

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From all i've read and seen discussed, ns URI's aren't supposed to have any
basis in reality. Seems to me they're just a pattern to distinguish one ns
from another. If that's true, then http://nuldev.foo/my_ns is a perfectly
acceptable ns URI.

If you want a convention, pick one for yourself and go with it.

Dave LeBlanc
Seattle, WA USA

> -----Original Message-----
> From: DuCharme, Bob (LNG) [mailto:bob.ducharme@lexisnexis.com]
> Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 14:53
> To: 'xml-dev'
> Subject: [xml-dev] namespace URI name conventions?
> Has anyone ever noticed any common patterns in namespace URIs to
> show that a
> URI does represent a namespace? For example, Simon St. Laurent
> has namespace
> URIs following the format http://www.simonstl.com/ns/foo,
> http://www.simonstl.com/ns/bar, etc., and I asked him if there was any
> precedent for the /ns/ part, and he said no.
> Assuming that we don't want to hang them off the root directory (e.g.
> http://www.snee.com/foo) the two obvious choices are a directory name to
> identify namespaces as Simon did or a subdomain (e.g.
> http://mynamespaces.snee.com/foo or http://ns.snee.com/foo or whatever.)
> Has anyone seen any conventions repeated often enough to qualify as
> conventions?
> thanks,
> Bob DuCharme          www.snee.com/bob           <bob@
> snee.com>  "The elements be kind to thee, and make thy
> spirits all of comfort!" Anthony and Cleopatra, III ii
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