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   Re: [xml-dev] Friday Flame Fest, anyone???

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Here is a link to the entire report:


I think this article in Infoworld looked at some of the negative aspects
of the report.  I just looked through the report and for the most part I
think it is a very informative and positive report on XML.

I don't think the GAO report has captured the full realm of what is
happening in government and XML (it seemed to focus mainly in XML/EDI).
The report itself only discussed a very small fraction of the work that is
actually being done in XML within Government agencies.

However, I think this comment shows that GAO definately believes that XML
has a role to play in U.S. Government:

	"XML has the potential to help the federal government
	streamline the process of identifying, integrating, and processing
	information from widely dispersed systems and organizations. Many
	critical government functions depend on effective information sharing
	across organizational boundaries, yet the problem of overcoming
	obstacles to effective data sharing has never been satisfactorily

I think the report is saying what has been said here on XML-DEV is that
XML is good but the conflicting, confusing and complicated specifications
revolving around XML (not XML itself) are problematic.


Betty Harvey, XML Consultant,        | Phone: 410-787-9200 FAX: 9830
Electronic Commerce Connection, Inc. |
harvey@eccnet.com                    | Washington,DC SGML/XML Users Grp
URL:  http://www.eccnet.com          | http://www.eccnet.com/xmlug/

On Fri, 5 Apr 2002, Mike Champion wrote:

> GAO says XML not ready for extensive government use
> http://www.infoworld.com/articles/hn/xml/02/04/05/020405hngaoxml.xml
> 'The absence of a complete set of XML standards poses potential development pitfalls "that
> could limit its potential to facilitate broad information exchange or adversely affect
> interoperability," the agency said. The lack of complete standards could prompt agencies to
> develop their own data definitions and proprietary extensions and make changes that could hurt
> system security.
> The strong leadership approach advocated by the GAO is not too dissimilar from what occurs in
> the private sector, said Rob Perry, an analyst at The Yankee Group in Boston. In specific
> industries, large companies such as an automobile maker often mandate XML standards for
> business partners. "Somebody in the government has to say, This is the format that we're going
> to use,? " he said." '
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