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   Re: [xml-dev] Call for example of server enabled for XML multiple repres

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* Didier PH Martin wrote:
>I got no answers for servers able to support multiple XML
>representations based on the "content-type" header. Maybe
>this is because I asked the wrong question. Let's formulate
>a new one:

All servers supporting content negotiation, Apache and
Jigsaw to mention two.

>Does anyone has a server or use a server able to support
>the "accept" header contained in an HTTP GET request.

That's actually the same question :-)

>For instance, if the HTTP GET is expressed as follow:
>GET /myfolder/mydoc.xml HTTP/1.1
>host: www.mydomain.com
>accept: text/svg
>Then the server send a reply containing an SVG representation
>of this XML document.


>If on the other hand the following request is sent:
>GET /myfolder/mydoc.xml HTTP/1.1
>host: www.mydomain.com
>accept: text/html
>The server replies with an HTML representation of this XML

Does not make sense to me, if I want to publish a document, I use XHTML,
if I want to publish a vector graphic, I use SVG. Having the same
content in XHTML and SVG seems to be inappropriate use of one of these


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