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   RE: [xml-dev] Painful USA Today article (was RE: [xml-dev] ANN: RESTTuto

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Yes.  That was why I was surprised by the email viruses.

Now why not turn that feature off given the disasters 
created by leaving it on?

So far our virus software is catching and eliminating 
KLEZ, <myfav>but one really has to wonder just how much Spy vs 
Spy code we can stand in the system.  We filter viruses, 
look for 10 Dirty Words, god knows what else.</myfav>


From: Joe English [mailto:jenglish@flightlab.com]

Bullard, Claude L wrote:
> At the rate of attacks, at some point, Outlook
> will be the most secure and virus resistant client
> available.

It will never be as secure and virus resistant as
traditional Unix MUAs which HAVE THE GOOD SENSE NOT


Remember the "Good Times" memetic virus that used to
make the rounds every September?  How we had to carefully
explain to the naive freshmen that no, it's not possible
to catch a computer virus simply by reading an e-mail
message because no programmer would be stupid enough to
write a mail reader that would make this possible?

Guess we were wrong.

(Outlook isn't really the main culprit either; it's
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and other programs
that interpret documents as programs and give them
the equivalent of root privileges.)


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