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   RE: [xml-dev] Please help me to understand a basic concept.

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There are many XSLT processors available and a variety of APIs, for example most of the Java processors support the JAXP 1.1 APIs. There are also a number of higher-level toolkits, such as Cocoon, that manage the binding of source documents to stylesheets.

Michael Kay
Software AG
home: Michael.H.Kay@ntlworld.com
work: Michael.Kay@softwareag.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Alessandro Barabesi [mailto:alex@barabesi.net]
Sent: 05 July 2002 09:58
To: xml-dev@lists.xml.org
Subject: [xml-dev] Please help me to understand a basic concept.

Hi everybody
I hope someone will be so ncie to spend few minutes to help me.
I started to look at XML 2 days ago so please be patient, I know my
problem is probably a stupid one.
What I don't seem to understand is:
if XML allowes me to structure content so that, with stylesheets, that content
can be visualized, in a browser, in hundreds of different ways, how can I
associate a stylesheet to a XML document which is available at a certain URL?
At the moment the only solutions I found is using vbscript with Microsoft.XMLDOM object:
set xmlDoc = server.createObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
set xsl = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xsl.async = false
I have the feeling that I am missing a basic concept here and probably what I am trying
to do can be done very easily but I dont seem to be able to find out how.


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