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   RE: [xml-dev] URIs harmful (was RE: [xml-dev] Article: Keeping pa ce

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An error message is (as stated in earlier mails) one of 
the documents it can return.  It is the least desirable, 
result, but not a problem although the monkey hates it.

Remember, the monkey is possibly clicking on a URI exposed 
in the XML rendering of a text, or that it copied from a 
text and pasted into the address box.  He doesn't necessarily 
sit down to type in http://mybogosity.com/aBogosity He copied 
it from my email in an Outlook window where, my goodness, it 
is a clickable control by dint of the syntax.

The URI is always dereferenceable (the processors the monkey has  
recognize a valid but bogus address) but it isn't reliable. 
Should that be fixed?  Ok, no.  Then IE isn't reliable 
and it is de facto, the standard implementation of an unreliable 
addressing system because addresses are also names in that system.

By design one might add.


From: Dare Obasanjo [mailto:dareo@microsoft.com]

> Yes.  I consider that a resolution.  It made the 
> attempt and found a document to return.

No it didn't:

$ wget http://this.host.does.not.exist/
--19:06:00--  http://this.host.does.not.exist/
           => `index.html'
Resolving this.host.does.not.exist... failed: Host not found.

$ telnet http://this.host.does.not.exist/ 80
http://this.host.does.not.exist/: No address associated with name

Getting an error message in Internet Explorer does not count as
retrieving a document to me not does it to WGET, TELNET or any other
mechanism I'd use to dereference that URL. 


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