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   Re: [xml-dev] Re: URIs, concrete (was Re: [xml-dev] Un-ask the question)

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>I'm arguing that _unprefixed_ attributes should be
>treated as if they had the same namespace as the element containing

I think I agree with Simon on this, though naturally in more moderate

As I understand it, an argument for treating them differently is that
a prefixed attribute's meaning should be defined *only* by its
namespace - so it's a kind of global attribute - whereas an unprefixed
attribute can mean different things on different elements from the
same namespace.  Attributes like xml:lang and, say, name fit this
pattern well.  But in cases like rdf:about it breaks down so badly
that I think it would have been better to say that foo:attr and attr
on foo:elem are the same.

I'm sure we'll have widespread support if we make it an amendment to
Namespaces 1.0.

Yes, I'm joking of course.  I really think it's too late to change it,
and the most reasonable workaround is to always use the prefixed form
when it exists.

-- Richard


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