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   Re: [xml-dev] XPath for Infoset extensions [was Annotations in XPath-NG?

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Jeni Tennison wrote:

> I think that the basic point he makes -- that whenever someone adds something new to the Infoset they should also
> provide a standard XML representation of that -- is a very good one that would really support the idea of accessing
> annotations as a node set using an axis or function. Very cool.

I am sorry if this sounds tendentious, but what is a 'standard XML representation'? Is it a particular vocabulary,
i.e., an application of XML? Could you give an example of what you are proposing? IMHO if we are talking here of XML,
a syntactic framework, or even of best practices for the use of XML, we must be careful in our prescriptions neither
to constrain the extensibility through markup which is the essential nature of XML, nor to substitute a collection of
vocabularies, however extensive, for the general applicability of XML syntax.


Walter Perry


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