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   [xml-dev] Re: W3C and Linking - what is the future?

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At 8:59 AM -0400 10/24/02, John Cowan wrote:

>It means that XLink is defined and XPointer is going to be defined and that's
>it, unless the W3C membership decide there's a need, in which case a new
>WG will be chartered or an existing WG will have its charter extended.

XPointer is currently in last call working draft, but from gossip I 
hear that at least two more major drafts are expected before the 
syntax is nailed down. (The latest is that all unqualified scheme 
names will be reserved for the W3C.) Given this, it seems hard to 
believe that XPointer will make final recommendation by December 31. 
If they follow the advertised procedure (which not all groups do) I'd 
be surprised to see a candidate recommendation by the end of the year.

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | elharo@metalab.unc.edu | Writer/Programmer |
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