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Sorry if I was unclear initially. In the past, a large part of my
complaints about DOM level 3 related to the inability to determine
the type of an attribute in a straight-forward way so I was very
excited to see that now you could. :-)
>But annotations are (at least in the processing model implied by W3C XML
>Schema and DTDs) binded to the information items through a schema and
>this is problematic if the schema is a "non deterministic" Relax NG
Fortunately DOM 3 does not require using the processing model implied
by W3C XML
Schema and DTDs. If you've got another processing model, go for it.
All you need to do is map the types you do assign to namespace URIs
and type names. I'm not intimately familiar with RELAX NG, but I
suspect a RELAX aware processor could easily generate a typed DOM.
It's just that two different RELAX processors might not build
identical DOMs when it came to type information.
The only problem would arise if RELAX wanted to assign multiple types
to the same element or attribute when building a single DOM, or if
its types somehow did not match the element and attribute structure
of the XML document (though I'm not sure that's a good idea in any
| Elliotte Rusty Harold | elharo@metalab.unc.edu | Writer/Programmer |
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