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   Re: [xml-dev] malfunctioning, evil adult as XML

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> Well, we are on the same side of the fence.  SML-DEV removed attributes with
> Minimal-XML (aka SML) and an splinter group of SML-DEV went on in pursuit of
> YML with structured attributes.  Unfortunately, W3C is an old school bus,
> without reverse gear nor breaks, hurling down the road.  We flapped our
> wings but bus went whizzing by.  I am sure the bus driver will tell us
> someday what lies at the end of that road just as he has done with URI...

Man, the sky is always falling around here, isn't it?

Folks, XML is not perfect.  But I'll wager none of you, nor any of the loud 
curmudgeons such as this Naggum character could have done any better in 
designing a foundation for semi-structured information systems.  It hits many 
of the tradeoffs very well.  I have been in the thick of many highly-hyped 
technologies, and I think that XML is by far the one I've seen with the most 
actual impact on productivity.  As for me, as I always say, the sky is not 
falling on my head.  I have found very effective ways to use elements as they 
are in XML, attributes as they are in XML, PIs as they are in XML, DTDs as 
they are in XML, and XPath and XSLT, which give very simple bootstrap layers 
into all of these, have proven to me to be among the most flexible tools I've 
seen for data processing.

So I for one am very glad that the W3C has not listened to all the earnest 
voices of those who want to remake XML according to some preference, however 
rationally held.  I'll be satisfied if the W3C just does a better job of 
building systems on top of XML that exhibited better coupling and cohesion.  I 
think this can be done without a redesign of XML itself.

Uche Ogbuji                                    Fourthought, Inc.
http://uche.ogbuji.net    http://4Suite.org    http://fourthought.com
The open office file format  - http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/librar
Python Generators + DOM - http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2003/01/08/py-xml.html
4Suite Repository Features - https://www6.software.ibm.com/reg/devworks/dw-x4su
XML class warfare - http://www.adtmag.com/article.asp?id=6965


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