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   Re: [xml-dev] Usefulness of well-formedness

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From: "W. E. Perry" <wperry@fiduciary.com>

> ... However, to judge by your very words ("For data/document transfer, there
> should be no variability of the infoset possible: what you send is what they get.  I think it
> is a basic matter of data integrity.") you are asserting something far more momentous than the
> 'packaging problem', for that is nothing more than the logistics for assuring that what the
> document sender understands as the complete instance arrives with all of its parts at least
> available to the recipient. You speak of the variability of the infoset.

My point is the packaging.  If I send the document

<!ENTITY y "cat">

and the document 

<!ENTITY y "cat">

and the document (to some echo service)

<!ENTITY y SYSTEM "http://www.eg.com/echo?string=cat";>

in three parallel universes to the same recipient at the same time, I say they should 
each result in the same infoset (certainly w.r.t. non-entity information).  And the 
same should go for parameter entities which could nclude attribute defaulting, 
namespace declarations and ID declarations.

Variability due to time or circumstance or availability is not the kind of variability 
I am talking of.

Rick Jelliffe


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