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   Re: [xml-dev] Different kind of Editor

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On Saturday, February 8, 2003, at 07:34  PM, Bill Humphries wrote:

> On Friday, February 7, 2003, at 11:15 PM, S Woodside wrote:
>> My idea is to create an HTML forms interface that allows you to 
>> roundtrip data from the UA to the server as many times as needed, to 
>> develop an instance XML document. The initial document is not a 
>> template, just a schema (in my case, RNG, not WXS).
> Have you looked at Bitflux Editor, http://www.bitfluxeditor.org/, 
> which, if I understand your requirements correctly, does what you'd 
> want. It's used as the editing front end to a couple of open source 
> CMS.

Huh, I bring it up in Moz 1.2.1 (mac os x) and I can edit but I think 
something is missing, there's no indication of a schema helping me to 
figure out what to do.

> Instead of round tripping, it pulls the document, schema, and 
> supporting XSLT/CSS down once and does the editing on the browser (so 
> you need Mozilla).

I considered doing that (using javascript/DOM) but the DOM 
implementations are different in IE and in Moz. Also, I want to support 
any kind of client, potentially including mobile users, so I'm doing it 
with server side technology (AxKit, an XML pipelining toolkit)



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