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   Re: [xml-dev] Re: Are the publishing users happy? Why not?

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/ Jonathan Robie <jonathan.robie@datadirect-technologies.com> was heard to say:
| At 06:40 PM 2/18/2003 -0500, Simon St.Laurent wrote:
|>ndw@nwalsh.com (Norman Walsh) writes:
|> >And yet I've watched [writers] spend hours tinkering with formatting in
|> >their WYSIWYG tools, despite the fact they've been told that all the
|> >formatting is going to get discarded.
|>A well-designed set of labeled styles can help a lot here, actually.  I
|>find that many of these writers really want their prose to _look_ like
|>it will on the final printed page, and that desire can be used to lure
|>them down the path of labeled structures.  Character-level habits are
|>much harder to break than paragraph-level habits, but there's occasional
|>cause for hope
| In the markup community, we would like people to think more
| abstractly. There's two problems we have to overcome:

I think I see where you're going, but I'm not sure "abstraction" is
exactly what's going on. I think markup is about concreteness: that's
a filename, that's a command, that's a paragraph, and that's a

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM    | We do not know what thoughts stirred in the
XML Standards Architect | mind of the last of the mastodons, but we can
Web Tech. and Standards | take it that they were nothing very
Sun Microsystems, Inc.  | remarkable. It is hardly likely that the last
                        | man will have the mind of a Goethe. He will
                        | die, and that will be the last stage of human
                        | progress.--Anatole France
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