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   Re: [xml-dev] Parsing efficiency? - why not 'compile'????

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At 8:53 AM +0000 2/27/03, Alaric Snell wrote:

>I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. Reading the variable length
>integer from a file would be more efficient than reading the date string and
>converting that to a number of seconds since the epoch, yes?

It strikes me that a lot of people are using BinXML to mean whatever 
they want it to mean. For instance, I've been assuming up till now 
that it is no more strongly typed than XML 1.0. You seem to be 
assuming something different. I think talking intelligently about 
this might require an actual spec and software so it's clear what we 
are talking about.

Also, I tend to think that if BinXML builds in strong typing of the 
sort you propose, it's even less like real XML than I thought.

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