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   RE: [xml-dev] Moving the list

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OASIS is in the midst of a major system overhaul, folks. If you want 
to get all het up about it, that's your business, but you might want 
to think about what Len suggested. It is really quite amazing what a 
little communication can do.


At 9:14 AM -0600 3/13/03, Bullard, Claude L (Len) wrote:
>Why don't we find out what it is that is going
>wrong with the listserver first?  Give the technical
>guy assigned to the task a bit of time to figure
>out the problem.
>From: Simon St.Laurent [mailto:simonstl@simonstl.com]
>The current benefactor has made it clear that such work is not
>a priority, and organizing a collection plate for people to help seems
>difficult in the current situation.  That's a different set of problems
>than political faith.
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Rex Brooks
Starbourne Communications Design
1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA 94702 *510-849-2309
http://www.starbourne.com * rexb@starbourne.com


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