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   Re: [xml-dev] XML Resources & tools for XML database project?

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You may want to check out this recent book announcement on from this
listserv [1]. I have not read it, I am only basing this on a potential
match between your stated criteria and the table of contents of the

Kind Regards,
Joe Chiusano
Booz | Allen | Hamilton

[1] http://lists.xml.org/archives/xml-dev/200303/msg00281.html

Chris Baker wrote:
> Can anyone suggest some resource sites, tools or some good tutorials to
> start learning XML?  I am wanting to create an XML database using HTML
> forms to write into XML code or text to store links and images, then
> make a searchable query tool for web users to find what they need.  I
> really could use a tool as I am very new to the XML language.  Has
> anyone else tried a project similar to this?
> I believe it's called Archiving components by writing it to an output
> stream in a form that you can reuse later. Then I can recall it using
> its saved parameters.  I am just not sure how to go about starting this
> and do not want to waste time going down a wrong path.
> Looking forward to everyones comments, suggestions and links.
> --
>     Best Regards,
> Chris Baker
> Web Developer
> 800.284.7862 x 231
> Fax: (318) 865.8324
> CAB@casaic.com <mailto:cab@casaic.com>
> <http://www.casaic.com>
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