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   Re: [xml-dev] XML websites

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christian@systemwire.com (Christian Nentwich) writes:
>This is the only tip I would venture to give you, really, don't rely on 
>client side rendering.

Sad though it makes me, I have to agree with this.  XML had the
misfortune of arriving just as the browser wars were cooling, and never
had the fortune of being one of the techs all the browsers had to
support.  I'm generally happy with Mozilla's XML rendering, but can't
rely on my users to have Mozilla, so those renderings are just for me.

Cocoon, AxKit, and similar tools seem like good server-side approaches
for using XML with the traditional Web.

Simon St.Laurent
Ring around the content, a pocket full of brackets
Errors, errors, all fall down!
http://simonstl.com -- http://monasticxml.org


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