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   Re: [xml-dev] Benchmarking forbidden?

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Bob Foster wrote:

> In a related case, McAfee/Network Associates was sued by Attorney General
> Eliot Spitzer, New York, U.S., alleging consumer fraud because McAfee's
> anti-review, anti-benchmark language misled consumers as to their rights.
> The case was filed with the state supreme court Jan 10, 2003 and AFAIK is
> still pending.

Spitzer won.  NA said they were going to appeal.  My layman's opinion 
would be that this kind of clause is now out of bounds unless they win 
the appeal.  I was amused by NA's slimy claims that they were doing this 
to ensure that more and better information gets out.  And Freedom is 
Slavery, etc.


Cheers, Tim Bray
         (ongoing fragmented essay: http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/)


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