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   RE: [xml-dev] XUL Standardization: Lessons from the RSS Civil War

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Could be.  I am interested in Dave's position. 
I've yet to hear it.   We 
renamed VRML in the new X3D, but we also 
added quite a bit and stayed within the organization 
chosen to host the process.  It was hard and 
it did provoke a lot of consternation, but 
at the end, we aren't Lady Macbeth.


From: Joe Gregorio [mailto:joe@bitworking.org]

Bullard, Claude L (Len) wrote:
> If you take RSS, claim it, rename it, but are 
> essentially still building over it, it is 
> piracy.  

I think you are being too strong, and it's
not fair of you to call Dave Winer a pirate 
for building over the RSS that Netscape pioneered.


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