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   xml-utterly-practical (was RE: [xml-dev] Advice: inline node editing, or

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> Maybe the world needs an "xml-utterly-practical" list?  You're hardly
> the first person I've heard with this complaint.  I doubt I'd join it,
> but that would probably make the utterly-practical folks cheer anyway.

Would an xml-technology specific list be any real use to anyone? There are
other lists for individual things like xsl, java+xml etc. I suspect a
literal "xml-dev" would be too widely scoped. This list on the other hand
has the groove left by those six years of posts to keep it on track...

> It's a technology, it's a medium, it's interesting.  As technologies go,
> this one has a lot of depth, and not just because the specs have grown
> enormous.




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