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   Re: [xml-dev] XML storage

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On Fri, 29 Aug 2003, Helena wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to store a large number (somewhere around 50000) of data-centric XML documents. I'm a total newbie at this, but a little research has revealed that there is three main ways to go, store them as BLOBs in a RDBMS, map them up into relations, or use a native database. The documents will all conform to the same DTD, and will vary in size between 9 and 50 KB. The DTD contains many optional elements, no mixed contents, no processing instructions, CDATA or comments. The structure is not really important to preserve, and there is no need for full-text querying.
> However, I'm afraid the relational approach will result in too many relations for efficient querying. The DTD contains 225 elements.
> Any comments or advices on what to think about or how to do this will be greatly appreciated!
> regards, Helena Forsberg


You might wish to have a look at the book I helped put together and
published in March this year:

"XML Data Management: Native XML and XML-Enabled Database Systems"

It covers:

- The power of good grammar and style in modeling information to alleviate
the need for redundant domain knowledge
- Tamino's XML storage, indexing, querying, and data access features 
- The features and APIs of open source eXist 
- Berkeley DB XML's ability to store XML documents natively 
- IBM's DB2 Universal Database and its support for XML applications 
- Xperanto's method of addressing information integration requirements 
- Oracle's XMLType for managing document centric XML documents 
- Microsoft SQL Server 2000's support for exporting and importing XML data 
- A generic architecture for storing XML documents in a relational
- X007, XMach-1, XMark, and other benchmarks for evaluating XML database

You see various alternatives covered, their pros and cons as well as case
studies and performance benchmarks.


akmal chaudhri

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